My Deer Friend Nokotan

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In a world where there were no big-name anime coming out this season and people apparently couldn’t figure out what to do with themselves, one deer-based comedy show gained unusual levels of popularity for about three weeks and then was rarely spoken about again. People were talking about it, friends who aren’t that into anime were seeing things about it, the fucking YouTube algorithm as pushing me videos about it. My theory is that without a big shonen headliner this season people just flocked to the first thing that caught their eyes and, outside of a Rick and Morty anime (??????) which was eye-catching for different reasons, the show with the deer in it was an easy pick.  I don’t actually have anything to back up this feeling that it got a lot of attention but I’m just gonna stick with that story. As far as actually rating this show goes, it definitely makes it as the best deer-based comedy. There’s some great gag humor here and the show is absolute nonsense fun, but it did kinda get old after a while. It never really changes from the formula of the first episode and kinda stales itself out with no real story or character development to keep interest in what’s going on. It’s one of those shows where if you are not laughing your ass off at every joke, you’re probably gonna end up with your eyes, ears, toes, and other assorted body parts bleeding. Uh, metaphorically. After like ten episodes I said to myself as I was watching “Ha ha ha, I am laughing so hard at this extremely funny and quirky show that is so unbelievably enjoyable. I can’t wait until Koshi tries to do something only for Nokotan to ruin it all by being a derpy deer for the one billionth time. Ha ha.” and then I exploded or something and didn’t watch the rest of it.

Before you go, pleeeeeeasse don’t judge me for how I lead into this review. This was originally written to be read directly after my Wistoria: Wand and Sword review and play off the opening to that. I swear the whole “In a world” thing would have been really funny. Now there is a debate to be had on if it would’ve been funnier than me properly rewriting this, possibly with bit less of my bias against popular things showing, but debates are for chumps who want things to make sense.

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